This course is for beginner to intermediate yogis alike, allowing you to progress in your practice.

We will go through a progression of flows that incorporate body, mind and bliss to help you love the way you look, think and feel.

Meet Braedy

Braedy is a trained Trauma-Informed Clinical Breathworker, Trauma-Informed Body Worker, Registered Yoga Teacher, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, and Integrated Nutrition Coach. After spending years travelling the world searching for the feeling of home, Braedy came to find home within his own body + heart. He is extremely passionate about helping others feel bliss, and at home within their own bodies.

He created this challenge because he is passionate about movement, and believes that yoga belongs in all aspects of our life, not just on our mat, although it's a great place to start.

Are you ready for a healthy body mind & spirit

without leaving your home?


This course focuses on restoring inner peace, and finding balance within your mind, body and soul. It was designed with convenience in mind, allowing you to take the course according to your own schedule

There will be a balance between movements that make you sweat, and classes that help you slow down. 

You will learn how yoga can be implemented into every area of your life.


  • 5 Daily Yoga Classes

  • 1:1 Support with Braedy

  • Extremely detailed video classes that can be done anywhere, at anytime


  • Find balance, peace, strength, and stability through at-home yoga classes

  • Get in shape on your own schedule, from the comfort of your own home

  • Explore different styles of yoga

  • Create new healthy habits that support your mental + physical health and wellbeing

  • Save time and money compared to training in gyms or studios

  • Build a solid foundation of knowledge on the basics of yoga

The challenge that fits

every schedule.

This course was designed with consistency and flexibility in mind. Requiring a maximum of 30 minutes per day, this course can be done anywhere at any time.